Friday, May 09, 2008

Thats How You Emfasize You're Point

I'm convinced.


Anonymous said...

Oh Pat, you're such a cynic. I'm sure if English was the official language someone would have taught her to spell...yikes.

Eric said...

Hey Pat, you spelled emphasize wrong. And you're should be your in the way you've used it.

I understand you're trying to point out the irony of this woman's unfortunate grammatical and spelling errors, but do you need to make your own errors just to prove the point?

Eric said...

Okay, wait...I'm sorry. I've just been informed that using irony to poke fun at irony, is, in itself, ironic, which multiplies the humor.

Never mind that last comment...

Hmmm. Dry, sarcastic wit doesn't really work in print. I tried.

How is the running?? I see nothing but boobs and pictures of stupid people on your blog lately. I want to read about PATRICK!

I hope everything is going well.

Patrick said...

Eric - sometimes my witty repartee just flies over people's heads. Just ask my wife: sometimes my quips are so stellar she doesn't even laugh. Running post coming tomorrow once this "log" week is over.