Friday, September 28, 2007


Been a bit of a "freaky Friday". I can already tell our proximity to the 35W Bridge collapse site is going to be a treat over the next year and whatever it takes to rebuild. A few weeks ago it was a power line trimmed that cut off our building, which also happens to store the main server for the UofM. Today, we lost phone lines and there was a gas smell. That has since been resolved, but now the server is on the fritz again. And considering that all of my work that doesn't involve reorganizing my desk or insipid blogging relies on server access, things are a bit on the slow side for me today.

I'm still on the no aerobic activity kick and there hasn't really been too much rebellion from my body thus far. I did bike to work yesterday and it felt good. I'll try to work some more activity into the daily routine leading up to surgery. The sports hernia portion of my ailments has felt somewhat better with rest, but sneezing still causes a bit of pain. The upper abdominal hernia has become worrisome over the past couple of days however. There have been long stretches of unabated pain. It isn't localized either. I can't wait for this to be over. I took steps to contact Howard Nippert regarding some coaching direction next year. As I told him, if my goal is to run a fast 100k who better to look to for guidance than the best US 100km runner. We discussed training philosophy, etc and it sounds like it would be a good fit. Nothing for sure yet, but that is the direction I am leaning. Of course I need to get back to actually running before I reach that point.

In the meantime, I've been hard at work shoveling as much fat-filled, deep-fried, heavy cream, refined sugar containing foods down my gullet. Today's lunch consisted of a burger from Bobby and Steve's, chips, cookie, and Milky Way Dark washed down with a Coke. Last weekend I ate so much beef that I (seriously) was not feeling well by Sunday night. Two trips to Culver's in a weekend can do that (hey, its Wisconsin. What do you expect?) I think it was Thursday last week that my lunch consisted of a container of Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough. In short, its been wonderful, indigestion causing journey.

The AFSCME strike has passed (for now). There is still the issue of voting on the University's "new" contract offer, but it sounds like the strikers are pretty much resigned to accepting it. I'll believe it when I see it. I don't know how you consider going from a demand of 8% to accepting 2.25% with a $300 lump sum each year a "victory" for the strike, but then again, I didn't understand the strike in the first place. I was contacted by a writer for the MN Daily to get my opinion, as a person who chose to cross the picket lines. He asked some good questions and I'm interested to see how the piece turns out. He also interviewed President Bruinicks along with some pro-union supporters. Look for it on October 8 or thereabouts (if you actually read the MN Daily that is).

I hope all the souls that are in the final throes of their taper are staying sharp. I'm looking forward to seeing some unfamiliar, yet familiar faces at TCM. Also, good vibes to Andy as he conquers 3:00 (and possibly 2:50) at Lakefront and to Jeremy Polson and his OT attempt at Chicago. One week to go fellas.

The definitive breakdown of last night's "The Office"
The Onion continually succeeds at highlighting the absurdity of some situations
Coming October 21


SteveQ said...

Glad to see you're thinking about coaches. Nippert's got the talent (and I like anyone who, like me, is all-but-dissertation), but it really helps to have someone who sees you in person regularly, who can tell at a glance whether you're pushing, loafing or babying an incipient injury. With an out-of-state coach, that probably means finding a part-time training partner.

crowther said...

I'm sure Howard would be happy to help you climb your way back onto the 100K team, and I think he'd be a good coach. To me, one of the most difficult parts of training is trying to peak at the right time. Howard's results indicate that he has mastered this, so that lesson alone could be quite valuable.