Saturday, August 18, 2007

Boston Scientific Heart of Summer 10k

AM: 3M+ wm/cd, 10k race (31:36)

5:03, 5:01, 5:02, 5:11, 5:11, 5:04, 1:04

I decided to do this race at the last minute, mostly because the weather looked like it was going to be favorable and it was, mostly. The wind was whipping off Lake Nokomis, but the temp was great after the last few weeks.

Not much to report about the race. It was basically the first 5 (Kenyans and really good Americans) and then the rest of us. I thought the first mile felt like a 4:55, but came through in 5:03. Then I thought for sure miles 2 and 3 were slow and I came through faster. Go figure. I felt pretty strong the whole way but those slow miles 4 and 5 were during a point when I was on my own and had a strange "shitting" sensation. I felt like I ate a pound of Oat Bran. I never ended up going to the bathroom, even after the race, but the sensation kind stole some of my thunder. Oh well.

Before the race I thought anything under 31:30 would be a good day, but I'm happy with my time nonetheless. It shows progress and that is my main concern right now. Here is to better days ahead.

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