Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Heating Up

AM: 6M
PM: 5 x 1k (3:02 avg/3:06 last); 2 min rec; 4x400 (66.1 avg/64.7 last); 3 min rec; 3M wm/cd :: 10M

With temps in the high 80's and a pretty good breeze blowing, I wasn't too hopeful about this workout. But as I was warming up I put myself in a "just do the workout" frame of mind. Whatever happens, happens. Vdot paces 1ks-3:01 400m-66-67

1k - 2:59.6; 3:01.1; 3:03.2; 3:03.5; 3:06.4
400m - 67.5; 66.1; 66.2; 64.7

The 1ks were tough. I couldn't tell if it was solely the heat, because it wasn't that oppresive. I just had flat feeling and cottonmouth. Towards the end of the 1ks I started to heat up and had that lightheaded sensation. I had been drinking during the recovery interval, but apparently it wasn't sufficient.

Before starting the 400s I decided I would only do 4 at the most (6 were called for). The first one felt rough as I was still feeling the 1ks. But during the remaining three I felt really strong. Before the workout I thought the 400s would be the weak point, but I think the extra rest helped. Maybe I should have added 30 secs to the 1k rest interval to account for the heat.

While the workout didn't go exactly to plan, I was happy with my overall approach. Mentally I didn't get all worked up about not hitting the planned times on the 1ks and I was rewarded by coming back strong on the 400s.

Let this be a lesson...

1 comment:

Mike said...

Nice work this morning Patrick! I was glad to see you in the top 10, and it looks like conditions were far from optimal.